A New Gratitude Journal Page for You

gratitude journal


You can download today's gift here Gratitude journal page 2018.pdf


About your gift

You may already have a gratitude page from me that I created a few years ago for a summit gift, but I thought a New Year deserves a new gratitude journal page so I have just designed this one for you this morning with what you asked me for, a left margin so you can bind it or pop it into a folder so it builds up a lovely record of your year.  I really love what I've ended up with, I think it's a much more grown up design and captures the transformational energy of gratitude. I hope you love it too. 

The idea of writing your top 3 gratitudes for the day is a simple one and everyone talks about it these days - but never underestimate it's power or take it for granted. You can read my original gratitude excercise from the chapter in Cosmic Ordering Made Easier here - 

Gratitude Excercise.pdf  which I wrote back in 2012 and see what it will do for you and why it works so well.

And there is a fabulous additional benefit of actually writing your top 3 daily, so that when you have a down time, you can read back through all your past gratitude entries and it will help to shift your perspective back to the positive again.

'Some people moan that roses have thorns - I am grateful that thorns have roses!'

Enjoy your gift today 

Lots of love

Ellen xx